
[Education] Do, Don't, Does, Doesn't

Do, Does, and Did
Differences in the use of Do, Does, and Did in English Sentences

Hi dear friend, see you again with me, in this time I will give an explanation of different uses of Do, Does and Did which sometimes still make confuse of friends at home. This is basic material, but we are often hired. Okay for more details, how Do, Does, and Did used in English sentence? Listen carefully the following explanation

Positive Sentences

In a positive sentences Do, Did, and Does have a role as action verbs which means to do, do, and carry out. I do my job, same as I do my job.

Do and Does are used in the form of present tense? With "Do" used for subjects I, You, We, and They. While "Does" is used for the subject She, He, and It.

  • He does a lot of job.
  • We do the amazing plan.
  • They did this assignment earlier than us.
  • My father always does the best for us.
  • We do it well.
  • Paijo does his task faster than Yono.
  • Ira does a lot of jobs this night.

While did, used for past tense sentences or sentences that state events or events in the past. For did, of course, can be used for all subjects namely I, You, we, They, She, He, and It.

  • Can you kick this ball into the goal? I did it every day.
  • She did a better movement last week.
  • I did my job quickly yesterday and today they will be lost again.

Negative Sentences

For negative sentences, it's a bit easier because friends only have to add the word not after do, does, and did. the conditions are still the same where do is used for subject I, They, We, and You. While does is used for subject he, she, and it. Where as did is use for past sentences.

It is very important that negative sentences, do, does, and did act as auxiliary verbs or auxiliary verbs. how do they work? Consider the following example.

Positive Sentences Negative Sentences
We know who she is. We don't know who she is.
They meet in my office. They don't meet in my office.
You explain clearly. You do not explain clearly.
She starts here. She does start here.
He brings my jacket. He does not bring my jacket.
We learn well. We don't learn well.
We went to your office. We did not go to your office.
we planned to go to Moskow. We didn't plan to go to Moskow.

In the sentences above it appears that they only have a role as auxiliary verbs. The words do, does, and did help know, meet, bring, learn, explain, etc. To then turn them into Negative Sentences. We don't know who she is ... (We don't know who she is).

Note :

Consider the example sentences that use does and did. When converted to a Negative sentence, the verb they have is changed back to the main verb. Brings are changed to bring, start to start, goes to go, then planned to return to its original for into a plan.

That's how do, does and did are used in English Sentence. Hopefully this can be useful for us.

End . . .

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