
[Education] Was and Were Example Sentences

Was and Were Example Sentences

Was and Were Example Sentences

Was and were are the second form of verb be (to be) . Was and were only used for a few tense , more precisely only for simple past tense , past continuous tense, and past future tense . And please note that was and were basically assistive verbs.

Was Example Sentences

  • I was not busy yesterday.
  • I was busy yesterday.
  • Was Dina not busy yesterday?
  • Was Dina busy yesterday?
  • Shinta was watching TV.
  • Was Shinta not watching TV?
  • Was Shinta watching TV?
  • Shinta was not watching TV.
  • She was my ex-girlfriend.
  • She wasn’t mean it for you.
  • It wasn’t mine.
  • Was it blue colored?
  • Was she a doctor?
  • Was she so beautiful back then?
  • Was he smart at school?
  • Was I ever this fool before?
  • She wasn’t a joke.
  • I wasn’t the right guy.
  • He wasn’t my dad!
  • I was a fat kid when I still in High School.
  • He was so handsome back then.
  • When I was your man
  • It was my second time to meet you.

Were Example Sentences

  • You weren’t my nemesis.
  • You weren’t so bad at all.
  • You were so smart.
  • We were so close.
  • Were they the aces of this class?
  • Were we a best friend back in college days?
  • Were they great cops back in their days?
  • They weren’t such a jerk before that tragedy.
  • We weren’t a friend since the first place.
  • They were lecturer at that college.
  • Were they not in the class
  • We were in the class.
  • We were not in the class.
  • Were they in the class?

End . . .


[Technology] What It Is Computer Architecture ?

What It Is Computer Architecture ? Understanding and Classification of Computer Architecture

Introduction to Computer Architecture

Computer architecture is the view of a computer as presented to software designers, while computer organization is the actual hardware implementation of a computer.

What is a Computer?

A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed process information, yield meaningful results.

The three important take-aways being:

  • programmable device
  • process information
  • yield meaningful results

So the important parts for the working of a computer are:

  • Program: a list of instructions given to computer
  • Information Store: the data it has to process
  • Computer: processes information into meaningful results.

A fully functional computer includes at the very least:

  • Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Memory
  • Hard disk

Other than these some input output (I/O) devices can also be a part of the system, such as:

  • Keyboard: Input
  • Mouse: Input
  • Monitor: Output
  • Printer: Output

Memory vs Hard Disk

  • Storage Capacity: more on hard disk, less on memory
  • Volatile: data on hard disk is non-volatile, while on memory is volatile
  • Speed: speed of access and other operations are slower on hard disk when compared to memory.

Brain vs Computer

  • Brain is capable of doing a lot of abstract work that computers cannot be programmed to do.
  • Speed of basic calculations is much higher in a computer which is its primary advantage.
  • Computers do not get tired or bored or disinterested.
  • Humans can understand complicated instructions in a variety of semantics and languages.


  • Write a instruction in a high level language like C, C++, Java etc. (done by human interface)
  • Compile it into an executable (binary) that converts it into byte-code, i.e. the language computers understand. (done by compilers)
  • Execute the binary. (done by processor)

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

The semantics of all the instructions supported by a processor is known as instruction set architecture (ISA). This includes the semantics of the instructions themselves along with their operands and interfaces with the peripherals.

ISA is an interface between software and hardware.

Examples of ISA:
  • arithmetic instructions
  • logical instructions
  • data transfer/movement instructions
Features of ISA:
  • Complete: it should be able to execute the programs a user wants to write
  • Concise: smaller set of instructions, currently they fall in the range 32-1000
  • Generic: instructions should not be too specialized for a given user or a given system.
  • Simple: instructions should not be complicated
There are two different paradigms of designing an ISA:
  • RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer has fewer set of simple and regular instructions in the range 64 to 128. eg. ARM, IBM PowerPC. Found in mobiles and tablets etc.
  • CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer implements complex instructions which are highly irregular, take multiple operands. Also the number of instructions are large, typically 500+. eg. Intel x86, VAX. Used in desktops and bigger computers.

Completebess of ISA

How do we ensure the completeness of an ISA? Say, there are two instructions addition and subtraction, while it is possible to implement addition using substraction (a + b = a - (0 - b)), the same cannot be said otherwise. This basically means that in order to complete an ISA one needs a set of instructions such that no other instruction is more powerful than the set.

How do we ensure that one has a complete instruction set such that one can write any program? The answer to this lies in finding a Universal ISA which would inturn constitute a Universal Machine which can be used to write any program known to mankind (Universal Machine has a set of basic actions where each such action can be interpretted as an instruction).

Turing Machine

Alan Turing, the father of computer science discovered a the theoretical device called turing machine which is the most powerful machine known because theoretically it can compute the results of all the programs one can be interested in.

A turing machine is a hypothetical machine which consists of an infinite tape consisting of cells extending in either directions, a tape head to maintain pointer on the tape that can move left or right, a state cell the saves the current state of the machine, and an action table to write down the set of instructions. It is posed as an thesis ( Church-Turing Thesis and not a theorem) that has not been counter in the past 60 years that

Any real-world computation can be translated into an equivalent computation involving Turing machine.


Any computer that is equivalent to a Turing machine is said to be Turing Complete.

So the answer to Can we build a complete ISA lies in the question can we design a Universal Turing Machine (UTM) that an simulate turing machine, i.e. the all one needs to do is to build a turing machine (seemingly simple architecture) that can implement other turing machines (manage tape, tape-head, cell and action table).

So analogously speaking, the current computers are an attempt to implement this universal turing machine (UTM), where the generic action table of the UTM is implemented as CPU, the the simulated action table of turing machine to be implemented is the Instruction memory, the working area or the UTM on the tape is the data memory, and the simulated state register of the implemented turing machine is the program counter (PC).

Elements of Computers

  • Memory (array of bytes), contains
    • program, which is a set of instructions
    • program data, i.e. variables, constants etc.
  • Program Counter (PC)
    • points to an instruction the program
    • after execution of one instruction it point to the next one
    • branch instructions make PC jump to another instruction (not in sequence)
  • CPU contains
    • program counter
    • instruction execution unit

Single Instruction ISA

  • sbn - subtract and branch if negative
      This basically leads to the following pseucode

    sbn(a, b, line_no):
        a = a-b
        if (a<0):
            goto line_no
            goto next_statement

  • Addition using SBN
        temp = 0
    1: sbn temp, b, 2
    exit: exit
    2: sbn a, temp, exit
  • Add 1-10 using SBN
    one = 1
    index = 10
    sum = 0

    1: sbn temp, temp, 2    \\ sets temp = 0
    2: sbn temp, index, 3   \\ sets temp = -index
    3: sbn sum, temp, 4     \\ sets sum += index
    4: sbn index, one, exit \\ sets index -= 1
    5: sbn temp, temp, 6    \\ sets temp = 0
    6: sbn temp, one, 1     \\ the for loop, since 0 - 1 < 0
    exit: exit
This is similar to writing assembly level programs, which are low level programs.

Mutliple Instruction ISAs

They typicall have:
  • Aritmethic Instruction: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
  • Logical Instruction: And, Or, Not
  • move Instructions: Transfer between memory locations
  • Branch Instructions: jump to new memory locations based on program instruction

Design of Practical Machines

  • While Harvard Machine has seperate data and instruction memories, Con-Neumann Machine has a single memory to serve both the purposes.
  • The problems with these maschines is that they assume memory to be one large array of bytes. In practice these are slower because as the size of the structure increase the speed of processing decreases. The possible solution of this lies in having several smaller array of name locations called registers
  • that can be used by instructions. Hence these smaller arrays are faster.
  • CPU contains a set of registers which are named storage locations.
  • values are loaded from memory to registers.
  • Aritmethic an logical instructions use registers for input.
  • finally, data is stocked back in the memory.
Example program in machine language,
    r1 = mem[b] \\ load b
    r2 = mem[c] \\ load c
    r3 = r1 + r2 
    mem[a] = r3
  • r1, r2, r3 are registers
  • mem is the array of bytes representing memory
As a result the modern day computers are similar to Von-Neumann Machines with the additiion of register in the CPU


[Technology] What It Is Bootstrap ?

What It Is Bootstrap WhatIt IsBootstrap ?

Bootstrap is a free and open source front end development framework for the creation of websites and web apps. The Bootstrap framework is built on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS) to facilitate the development of responsive, mobile-first sites and apps.

Responsive design makes it possible for a web page or app to detect the visitor’s screen size and orientation and automatically adapt the display accordingly; the mobile first approach assumes

that smartphones, tablets and task-specific mobile apps are employees' primary tools for getting work done and addresses the requirements of those technologies in design.

Bootstrap includes user interface components, layouts and JS tools along with the framework for implementation. The software is available precompiled or as source code.

Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton developed Bootstrap at Twitter as a means of improving the consistency of tools used on the site and reducing maintenance. The software was formerly known as Twitter Blueprint and is sometimes referred to as Twitter Bootstrap.

In computers, the word bootstrap means to boot: to load a program into a computer using a much smaller initial program to load in the desired program (which is usually an operating system).

In the physical world, a bootstrap is a small strap or loop at the back of a leather boot that enables you to pull the entire boot on and in general usage, bootstrapping is the leveraging of a small initial effort into something larger and more significant. There is also a common expression, "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps," meaning to leverage yourself to success from a small beginning.


[Education] Do, Don't, Does, Doesn't

Do, Does, and Did
Differences in the use of Do, Does, and Did in English Sentences

Hi dear friend, see you again with me, in this time I will give an explanation of different uses of Do, Does and Did which sometimes still make confuse of friends at home. This is basic material, but we are often hired. Okay for more details, how Do, Does, and Did used in English sentence? Listen carefully the following explanation

Positive Sentences

In a positive sentences Do, Did, and Does have a role as action verbs which means to do, do, and carry out. I do my job, same as I do my job.

Do and Does are used in the form of present tense? With "Do" used for subjects I, You, We, and They. While "Does" is used for the subject She, He, and It.

  • He does a lot of job.
  • We do the amazing plan.
  • They did this assignment earlier than us.
  • My father always does the best for us.
  • We do it well.
  • Paijo does his task faster than Yono.
  • Ira does a lot of jobs this night.

While did, used for past tense sentences or sentences that state events or events in the past. For did, of course, can be used for all subjects namely I, You, we, They, She, He, and It.

  • Can you kick this ball into the goal? I did it every day.
  • She did a better movement last week.
  • I did my job quickly yesterday and today they will be lost again.

Negative Sentences

For negative sentences, it's a bit easier because friends only have to add the word not after do, does, and did. the conditions are still the same where do is used for subject I, They, We, and You. While does is used for subject he, she, and it. Where as did is use for past sentences.

It is very important that negative sentences, do, does, and did act as auxiliary verbs or auxiliary verbs. how do they work? Consider the following example.

Positive Sentences Negative Sentences
We know who she is. We don't know who she is.
They meet in my office. They don't meet in my office.
You explain clearly. You do not explain clearly.
She starts here. She does start here.
He brings my jacket. He does not bring my jacket.
We learn well. We don't learn well.
We went to your office. We did not go to your office.
we planned to go to Moskow. We didn't plan to go to Moskow.

In the sentences above it appears that they only have a role as auxiliary verbs. The words do, does, and did help know, meet, bring, learn, explain, etc. To then turn them into Negative Sentences. We don't know who she is ... (We don't know who she is).

Note :

Consider the example sentences that use does and did. When converted to a Negative sentence, the verb they have is changed back to the main verb. Brings are changed to bring, start to start, goes to go, then planned to return to its original for into a plan.

That's how do, does and did are used in English Sentence. Hopefully this can be useful for us.

End . . .


[Education] Countable and Uncountable Nouns Example

Countable and Uncountable Noun Example

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Example

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
How many animals are there ? How much effort does it take ?
How many games shall we play ? How much sauce do you need ?
How many toys do you have ? How much milk is in the refrigator ?
How many eggs for breakfast ? How much soup in the bowl ?
Waiters, please give two sandwiches for me ! How much water should I drink fo one day ?
I have two sisters, their name is Clara and Sinta I have cancer and its caused not much hair in my head
There are two hair in my food I want to draw picture, so I need some paper
Our house has three bathroom It's difficult to do my homework when there is too much noise
Look at there, you can see a man ? Sorry, I can't go with you because I dont have time
I've got problem with the motorcycle How much money do you have man ?
We build two hotel and restaurant in this town I love music, so my hobby is singing
Last year I have three babies In our school, we sit on the grass
Do you like these car ? You see a lot of surveillance cameras in the streets in Korea
My mother wearing four rings and necklace The money is much better i my new job
Let's take a photo with me Would you like some tea
My family's plan is go to beach in this holiday Can I have some water please
Thank you so much, i have a reat time at the party Do you like ice cream ?
We don't have that many potatoes My childhood is not too good
There aren't many birds on the tree today I have friendship in my school
Are there many bananas ? You have to competitice in this competition
give a bar of chocolate to me A barrel of oil
How many crayons do you have ? I'm sorry I can't pay you, because I don't have much money in this time
I have a can of soda There is a little water in this bottle


[Automotive] Apa Itu Turbocharger ?

Apa Itu Turbocharger ?
Apa Itu Turbocharger ? Apa Fungsinya ?

Pada awalnya perangkat Turbocharger ini hanya dapat dijumpai pada mesin diesel saja, tetapi sekarang baik mesin diesel ataupun mesin bensin sudah dilengkapi dengan sistem turbocharger. Lalu, apa itu Turbocharger ? apa fungsinya ? dan apa efeknya terhadap mesin ? yuk.. mari simak dibawah

Turbocharger merupakan komponen yang digunakan untuk memaksimalkan udara agar masuk kedalam ruang bakar. Tujuannya, jelas untuk meningkatkan torsi mesin.

Pertama, perlu diketahui bahwa mesin dapat menghasilkan energi dari proses pembakaran. Pembakaran ini, terjadi antara tiga material yakni udaral bahan bakar, dan percikan api. Tapi pada mesin diesel, hanya terdiri dari dua material yakni udara, dan bahan bakar saja.

Besar kecilnya power yang dihasilkan oleh mesin, sangat tergantung dengan masa udara dan bahan bakar yang masuk ke dalam ruang bakar. Semakin banyak maka semakin tinggi power mesin. Namun, untuk memasukkan banyak udara kedalam ruang bakar diperlukan kapasitas mesin yang besar.

Disinilah Turbocharger memainkan perannya, ini akan membuat masa udara yang masuk kedalam mesin menjadi lebih banyak meski kapasitas mesin cukup kecil.

Bagaimana Cara Turbocharger melakukannya ?

Sebenarnya, Turbocharger tidak lebih dari sebuah kompresor udara. Fungsinya memompa udara dari filter udara menuju ruang bakar. Ini akan membuat udara yang masuk kedalam ruang bakar menjadi lebih banyak, hasilnya tenaga mesin juga meningkat.

Efek Turbocharger terhadap mesin

Meski Turbocharger dapat mendongkrak tenaga mesin, Turbocharger juga memiliki efek yang lain terhadap mesin.

1. Gas buang mesin menjadi terhambat

Efek yang pertama, gas buang mesin akan terhambat. Turbocharger menggunakan gas sisa hasil pembakaran sebagai sumber tenaganya. Hasilnya, gas buang yang harusnya lancar menuju muffler akan sedikit terhambat. Hambatan ini akan membuat RPM mesin sedikit tertahan, meski demikian udara yang masuk ke ruang bakar lebih banyak. Sehingga tidak ada kerugian tenaga

2. Lebih boros bahan bakar dibandingkan mesin dengan kapasitas sama non Turbo

Turbocharger akan memasukkan lebih banyak udara ke dalam ruang baar, secara otomatis bahan bakar yang harus dimasukkan ke ruang bakar juga lebih banyak. Ini akan membuat pemakaian bahan bakar lebih boros dibandingkan mesin dengan kapasitas yang sama non Turbo

3. Torsi mesin akan meningkat

Efek positif yang sangat terasa, ada pada torsi yang dihasilkan. Torsi berbeda dengan power, torsi ini adalah kekuatan puntir yang dikenakan pada suatu benda. Jadi, saat sebuah mobil memilki torsi besar, maka mobil mampu membawa beban berat meski berjalan pada RPM rendah.

Berikut disajikan Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Turbocharger

Kelebihan Kekurangan
Torsi akan meningkat Perlu perawatan yang ekstra
Bahan bakar lebih ekonomis (dilihat dari output) Memakan banyak ruang didalam ruang mesin
Fun driving experience Perlu bahan bakar berkualitas untuk mencegah knocking

Jenis jenis Turbocharger

Secara umum, ada tiga (3) macam Turbocharger yang digunakan pada kendaraan. Antara lain ;

1. Turbocharger

Turbocharger menggunakan penggerak gas buang mesin, kelebihannya ada pada hembusan udara yang lebih kuat. Namun, Turbocharger wajib dilengkapi intercooler karena temperatur udara yang melewati Turbocharger akan mengingkat terkena radiasi panas gas buang,

2. Supercharger

Supercharger menggunaka tenaga pulley mesin sebagai sumber tenaganya (source). Ini dihubungkan dengan sebuah belt ke kompresor charger, hasilnya tidak ada masalah terkait temperatur udara intake.

3. Electriccharger

Sesuai namanya, turbo yang satu ini digerakkan menggunakan sebuah motor listrik. Selain tidak ada masalah pada temperatur udara intake, tipe ini juga tidak membebani mesin karena tidak mengganggu aliran gas buang mesin dan tidak membebani pulley mesin.

Saya rasa itu saja yang dapat disampaikan, dan berharap semoga sedikit ilmu diatas dapat menjadi pengetahuan tambahan bagi kita semua. Owh iya, jika ada kekurangan dalam artikel diatas dapat tinggalkan saran dan kritiknya di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih . . .


[Education] What It Is Countable & Uncountable Nouns?

Countable and Uncountable Nouns
What are countable and uncountable nouns ?

Nouns can be either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns (or count nouns ) are those that refer to something that can be counted. They have both singular and plural forms (e.g. cat/cats; woman/women; country/countries). In the singular, they can be preceded by a or an. Most nouns come into this category.

A smaller number of nouns do not typically refer to things that can be counted and so they do not regularly have a plural form: these are known as uncountable nouns (or mass nouns). Examples include: rain, flour, earth, wine, or wood. Uncountable nouns can't be preceded by a or an. Many abstract nouns are typically uncountable, e.g. happiness, truth, darkness, humour.

Some uncountable nouns can be used in plural as well, depending on the meaning or context of the word. take a look at these sentences:

Would you like some coffe? uncountable because it's referring to the drink in general
He ordered a coffe. countable, because it's referring to a cup of coffe
There's no truth in the rumours. uncountable, because it refers to the quality or state of being true
The fundamental truths about human nature. countable, because it's referring to facts or beliefs that are true

In the Oxford Dictionary of English and the Oxford American Dictionary, nouns that are chiefly uncountable are described as'mass nouns'. This type of noun entry may also include an example sentences showing a countable use of the type described above. For example:

  • noun [mass noun] an alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavoured with hops; a pint of beer | [count noun] he ordered a beer.

There are some words that should only be used with countable nouns and some that you should only use with uncountable nouns. here are the main examples:

Word With countable noun ? With uncountable noun ? examples
few, fewer fewer students; few cars
little, less, least less food; little time
many, several several books; many changes
much much pleasure; much sleep

You often hear people using less with countable nouns (e.g. 'there are less cars outside the school gates'). Although it's a common mistake, it is still a mistake and you should try to avoid making it in formal writing of speaking.